Jer has been a devoted worshiper of the written word from an early age. Comforted by his grandmother’s soothing baritone as she recited verse and fairytales to him, “story time” became a boyhood obsession.
As a young man, the intriguing dialogue of famous playwrights and the inspiring lyrics of clever songwriters lured him onto the stage as a performer. Backstage captured his artistic imagination as well, and ultimately led him to rewarding experiences as a costume designer, a makeup artist, and a hair stylist after graduating from James Madison University.
Later in life, having suffered from loss of speech while battling Lyme Disease, he struggled to complete a coherent sentence until he bucked up the courage to enroll in a writing class. Forcing himself to read aloud the words he had written finally lifted the curse. Smitten with the art of language, he now writes daily.
Retired from a lengthy career as a visual director in upscale retail, Jer currently resides in Pennsylvania with his husband, Ed, and their dog, Lucy Honeychurch.